Free Energy Generation is Imaginary Power times Itself
Resulting in the Formation of Negative Watts
Here is a generalized condition, written (initially) in plain English, and then as a mathematical statement, depicting the goal1 of free energy generation within our over-unity circuits…
Negative Watts = (Imaginary Power)2
-1 = (√-1)2
Are you familiar with Ohm's Law?
Current = Voltage ÷ Resistance
Well, it doesn't take much to convert Ohm's law into Watts Law by taking Ohm's Law and substituting its value for current into Watt's Law beginning with Watt's Law…
Power = Voltage × Current
…by substitution becomes…
Power = Voltage × (Current = Voltage ÷ Resistance)
…and simplified becomes…
Power = Voltage × Voltage ÷ Resistance
…further simplified, is…
Power = Voltage2 ÷ Resistance
Let's dissect this perfectly legitimate version of Watts Law before putting it through one more transformation. But first, we have to complicate matters by increasing our articulation and finesse of the situation…
Power = Applied Voltage × Reactive (Resultant) Voltage ÷ (Resistances + Impedances)
If both the applied voltage and the resultant voltage are imaginary, then we will have a condition in which imaginary values are squared resulting in negative real numbers signifying the generation of power within our overunity circuit. This generation of power is conventionally defined as being negative watts/power…
Reversed (negative) Power = Imaginary Applied Voltage × Imaginary Resultant Voltage ÷ (Resistances + Impedances)
It’s commonplace for people to interpret negative watts2 in terms of negative resistance or less popularly, negative current: the reversal of current (acting an assistive torque)3 4 sent back to the source.5
A “negawatt” is a hypothetical unit of power that measures the amount of energy saved because of efficient power consumption.6 7 It represents a watt of energy that you have not used through energy conservation or the use of energy-efficient products.3 When power and current are directly “in phase”, the power reading is positive. When power and current are 180° out of phase, the power reading is negative.8
But in reality, according to this line of reasoning, up-above, the negation is affecting the voltage of the system reversing its polarity and having no direct impact, whatsoever, on anything else.
By the way, the apparent reversal of current contributes to the actual inversion of voltage since we’ve substituted resultant voltage in place of current, up-above.
Thus, to put this mathematical statement in perspective by converting it into simpler terms that a mere human-being can understand and appreciate…
The Squaring of Two Imaginary Voltages = The Generation of Negative Watts = -1
We are temporarily ignoring the impedances and resistances being divided into the two types of voltage (resulting in power). Conventional wisdom and common sense (which is a superficial analysis) tells us that these impedances and resistances will be diminishing the overall power of the system since they mathematically divide themselves into the two types of voltages which comprise power. But, as we will shortly see, the reverse will be taking place!
Does this look familiar…?
(√-1)2 = -1
The foregoing will only occur under energy-starved conditions, because we normally think of energy as real power - adhering to the conservation of energy - in which we are required to supply the energy to run the circuit. And that means the application of real power in the format of real volts and real current.
But what happens when we starve a circuit of the input of real power? What happens, then? An interesting thing happens. That's what happens!9
Impedances no longer act as the storage vessels for the temporary charging and discharging of real power. Because normally, we think of capacitors and inductors receiving real power and storing it as imaginary power and then releasing it back out of themselves in the format of real power.
But we have to engineer our circuit to give it a little kick, a reactive kick, in which the impedance is bouncing the power around among and between all of the capacitors and coils within the circuit in such a way that no time is allowed for the absorption and discharge of energy. Instead, the bouncing, the reflectivity, of interactive power among the various reactive components of our circuit, must reflect and in some cases refract the power that is passed to them so as to pass part of that power through them and some of it will bounce/reflect off of them.
More specifically, and to the point, I'm referring to capacitors, namely the ability for capacitors to be able to act like a prism in as much as when we pass light through a prism some of it bounces off of the glass but some of it passes through the glass.
Well, it turns out that the refractive index of prismatic material is the square root of the dielectric constant of the dielectric material sandwiched in between the two plates of a capacitor.10
This would imply that the refractive index is imaginary while the dielectric constant is negative (real) since squaring the refractive index will result in its equivalent value for dielectricity.
This relationship makes it possible for us to judiciously and wisely choose capacitances that will split an oncoming wave into two daughter waves, one of which will pass through the capacitor to the other side and the other will bounce off of it.
This creates an interesting condition in which power is now going in both directions simultaneously!
In this sense, we could ask: “Which comes first? Does the reversal of voltage precede the negation of impedance. Or, is capacitive impedance capable of reversing voltage?” If the latter is the case, then it could be said of capacitive impedance that it is capable of acting as a negatively impedant influence in as much as this style of capacitive impedance has the direct impact of reversing its resultant voltage and acting as the harbinger of negative watts.
I suspect this is the case.
An interesting and provocative dialogue is occurring over at Data Secrets Lox.
Another interesting post, which references this post, is at Quora.
Negative Power Readings = “...power that is pushed to the grid [towards the source and away from the consumer] is ‘export’ (negative).”