E = M × C^2
This equation tells me that both sides have been squared to hide something in all likelihood…
E = (the electrostatic force)^2
M = (the electromagnetic force)^2
C^2 = a time delay
C = the speed of light
The difference between the electrostatic force and the electromagnetic force is a magnitude equal to a constant known as the speed of light.
This is the foundation of nuclear physics and atomic physics at the basis of atomic power. But they won't tell you this, namely: physicists will not tell you this, because they don't want you to know about free energy lest you have free energy and possess atomic power!
So, they sequester the topic of free energy under the domain of nonlinear dynamics and relegate it to theoretical physics and mathematics claiming that it's controversial and let's keep talking about it instead of understanding it and acting on it and making it an applied science such as electrical or mechanical engineering.
Nonlinear Dynamics is the study of a topic in which inputs are not necessarily proportional to outputs.
This is in deference to thermodynamics, which is ruled by the conservation of energy, in which input must equal output at all times.
Thermodynamics is the heart and soul of the fossil fuel industry because thermodynamics merely pertains to chemical processes such as the combustion of fuel in which input must (and will) equal output.
Getting back to our discussion of these two versions of the same mathematical equivalency…
E equals MC squared pertains to the explosive process of free energy, namely, freely available reactive power under the domination of imaginary power with very little real power in evidence, because the presence of real power suppresses the explosive nature of reactive power. So, we don't want too much real power around to prevent this explosive process. In fact, the ideal quantity of real power to serve as the input of a free energy circuit should be no more than the quantity of real power available in the environment such as plants and trees and flowers and you and me! Namely, no more than nano Watts or pico Watts of real power.
But the explosive process of E equals MC squared is also the explanation for the explosive behavior of atomic power (also known as nuclear power).
This explosive power is governed by squaring both sides of the proportional relationship between the electrostatic force and the magnetic force in which the magnitude of explosion can accelerate at an exponential rate. Consequently, a mere hyperbolic arch of increasing magnitude of explosive force can suddenly and without warning change into a vertical ascension of rapidly escalating dynamics of power output.
In theory, there is no limit to the escalation of this explosive force. For all intents and purposes it can rise to infinite gain within millions of seconds or nanoseconds or instantaneously with no time delay whatsoever.
Tesla knew this when he tested the materials of construction of circuitry with various levels of voltage and/or frequency to see at what point do the materials of construction break down and explode. And they did explode into nano-sized particles of copper and whatnot if he took it too far.
If we don't square both sides of this famous equation, made famous by Einstein and other physicists like himself, then all we have is a constant known as the speed of light which is the amplitude of difference between the force of magnetism and the force of electrostatics.
But if we square both sides creating this famous equation, then the squaring of the speed of light becomes a time delay in which it takes a certain amount of time for magnetism to respond to electrostatic lines of force.
You see, there's no such thing as the traversal of electromagnetic waves across the empty vastness of space or even between two copper atoms of a copper wire. There's merely electrostatic lines of force connecting all atomic particles within the universe. These electrostatic lines of force interconnect every single atom of matter with all other atoms of matter in existence.
Since electrostatic force does not imply movement, that is relegated to the magnetic force, communication between all the atoms in existence is instantaneous with no time delay whatsoever.
But a time delay does exist in actual experience of our observation, because this time delay is a consequence of the squaring of the speed of light when we are considering E equals MC squared.
But the square root of both sides of this equation does not exist. In other words, the speed of light does not exist as a singular unsquared quantity.
We infer the existence of the speed of light when we take the square root of C squared. But we have never measured the speed of light. Instead, we have measured the square of the speed of light and inferred from that square that its square root is the speed of light.
This misunderstanding is predicated on the reality of the situation in which we are measuring a cross-section of an area, a two-dimensional slice of the spreading of an electromagnetic wave, as it spreads out in all directions simultaneously. When we look at a tiny cross-section of this space through which this electromagnetic wave projects itself, an imaginary two dimensional cross-sectional area of space, we are measuring the rate at which this electromagnetic wave has spread itself across a two-dimensional cross-section of its radiation from a single point of origin after it has traveled a certain distance from that point of origin. So, we cannot measure a singular quantity known as an unsquared speed of light. We have to infer that speed of light after having measured its action of spreading across a two-dimensional cross-section along a specific distance from its point of origin.
Thus, the speed of light does not exist. We have misinterpreted the square root of the spreading of an electromagnetic wave as being the squared spreading of the speed of light when, in fact, it is the magnitude difference between the electrostatic force and the magnetic force.
Consequently, the electrostatic force and the magnetic force, also, do not exist as singular forces. We infer them, but we cannot prove them.
Thus, the square root of both sides of the E equals MC squared equation is an inference that I make. It is not a fact. But then again, neither is it a fact that electrodynamics exists!
We infer the existence of electrodynamics from the observations that we make of our circuitry experiments. But we cannot prove its existence.
The only proof that we have of the existence of the speed of light is the explosion of atomic power.
Because of this inference of inferring the speed of light from the measurement of its squared rate of spreading across a cross sectional area of its projection, it is easy to misinterpret the square root of this two-dimensional cross-section as a speed if we further presume that something has taken a duration of time to travel across space.
It is also easy to make this presumptive misinterpretation on the basis of our observation that a signal sent to the Moon takes considerably more time to elapse by comparison to a signal sent to a point in space nearby.
Rather than continuing to harp on this error (which is not so blatant to common sense and common misunderstanding), it would be better to look at it the correct way so we can see our error explained more clearly and more readily.
Consider a capacitor in which two plates are separated by a distance of a dielectric material between the two plates. And consider how the voltage changes when the only change we make is the distance between those two plates after the dielectric medium between those two plates has already been charged with a specific value of energy.
When we move the plates apart, then our measurement of the voltage difference between those two plates goes down. But if we move the plates closer together, then our voltage measurement goes up.
Thus, what we think is the speed of light is actually the amplitude of the electrostatic force across a specific distance and what impact that will have on how quickly will the magnetic force at the two terminal ends of an electrostatic line of force will take to respond by changing the intensity of their magnetic fields due to the strength of the electrostatic lines of force supplying them.
A stronger voltage will mean that the magnetism resulting from that voltage will respond more quickly. A weaker voltage will imply that the magnetism resulting from that weaker voltage will respond more slowly. This is all due to the fact that magnetism is the result of inductance and inductance has the property of delaying current lagging behind voltage.
This is where the so-called speed of light comes from, namely: a misinterpretation of the basic behavior of a capacitance across the dielectric medium of empty space – whether that space lies between cosmological objects such as our sun and the planet earth, or is merely the distance between two copper atoms along the length of a copper transmission line. Either way, space has to be traversed in our explanation of electrodynamic behavior.
But of course, space is not traversed because nothing moves across space insofar as electrodynamic amplitudes are concerned. In other words, there's no such thing as an electromagnetic wave moving electromagnetic energy across empty space. This is a misinterpretation of the dynamics of electricity.
To further seat this fact in our awareness, we must rearrange the elements of Watt's law so that…
Watts equals applied voltage times resulting voltage divided by various impedances and resistances within a framework of time.
Do you see any current here?
How can we get away without any current supplying watts? Because there is no such thing as current. It's a mathematical fiction; a shorthand notation which is suitable for technicians in the field when they measure something called current rather than calling it something more complicated.
Thus, current is a simplified way of saying that the voltage that results from the application of voltage across the two terminals of an electrical component is influenced by various impedances and resistances over a span of time to give us a change in voltage which we misinterpret as current because that change occurs at different times and at different rates across the length of a transmission wire (for instance).
Voltage is the only kinetic energy in the universe and yet it is not energy, it's not even power, because it's devoid of current and, thus, cannot result in any power that we measure in watts.
Meanwhile, the deficiency of kinetic energy which we can observe as voltage being the only kinetic energy in the universe, is made up for by the ever presence, the pervasive presence, of the potentials of electrodynamics, namely the potentials of electrical reactance, also known as: frequency, capacitive reactance resulting from capacitance, inductive reactance resulting from inductance, and a duration of time over which all of this occurs. This is the extent of what constitutes electrical energy in which current has no role to play (whatsoever) except as an artistry of mathematical fiction so as to avoid teaching the technician in the field the proper way of looking at electrodynamics.
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