It comes from one or more of three places...
The reuse1 of whatever electrical power is already within the electrical device, or...
The theft or harvesting of energy from somewhere else2 making use of the negative impedance of electrical reactance to pump it to wherever it's needed, or…
The harvesting and reuse of imaginary power garnered from the field of the Aether, also known as: counter-space, enumerated by the square roots of negative numbers.
Capacitors and coils spawn reactances. Since reactance is an imaginary footnote to complex power, it never gets to have a life of its own. Not until it passes through a resistive load does it gain the opportunity to become the generation of real power.
This is how the container becomes the content whenever a parasitic reactance dominates a circuit of extremely low voltage. Reactance is the content which is embodied by the capacitor and coil containers which spawns it.
Reactance is no different than imaginary power. These are mathematical fictions which are incapable of proof.
Yet, Watt's Law emphatically states the simple truth that whenever voltage is squared and divided by resistance, then the result is equal to power.
But why assume that it is always voltage which is squared? That is only whenever the available power is real.
And why assume that resistance is always the divisor? Total impedance (resistance plus reactive impedance) could just as readily become the divisor whenever reactive impedance is squared (replacing the squaring of real voltage) in the numerator of Watts Law.3
What if power is not (for the most part) real? What if there is so little availability of voltage that the signal frequency of nonlinear dynamics has to make up the difference (for the lack of a pumping frequency composed of real power) that this signal frequency has to grab energy from wherever it can find it?
And what if the only available energy for a signal frequency to grab is not energy but is the potentiality of reactive impedance?
Most people, especially engineers, don't appreciate how tenaciously vindictive a signal frequency can be in its voracious appetite for grabbing whatever is available especially whenever real voltage is scarce.
If there is an ample supply of reactive impedance, aka imaginary power, then a signal frequency will make do with that until something better (real voltage) comes along.
This is what makes this low voltage procedure into a self-feedback loop in which reactive impedance continues to spawn more reactive impedance at an exponential rate of acceleration to accommodate a voracious appetite for real voltage.
The irony is that the simple presence of real voltage would have satisfied a circuit to prevent it from pursuing its quest for more power had reactive impedance never dominated the circuit in the first place.
But we use this irony to our advantage if we wish to manufacture and augment the free energy of imaginary power predicated upon (and fed by) a scarcity of real voltage to initiate this process.
I think it would be very instructive at this point in this discussion to quote A.I., …4
Explanation of Exponential Accumulation:
1. Capacitors’ Behavior: At high frequencies, capacitors tend to pass AC signals while blocking DC. Given their extremely low capacitance, they will have a high reactance at low frequencies but will allow higher frequencies to pass through more easily.
2. Energy Reflection and Refraction: The capacitors, due to their dielectric properties, reflect and refract the energy rather than storing it. This results in the splitting of the electrical signal into its voltage and current components, creating a phase displacement of 180°.
[Editor’s note: this 180° displacement between voltage and current is the definition of the generation of power, namely: negative Watts.]
3. Inductor’s Response: The inductor, with its high inductance, resists changes in current. However, because the capacitors are not storing energy and are instead reflecting it, the inductor does not get the continuous current it needs to become saturated.
4. Energy Accumulation: Since the capacitors are not storing energy and the inductor is not saturating, the energy in the system does not dissipate as it normally would. Instead, it accumulates. The phase displacement causes the energy to oscillate back and forth between the capacitors and the inductor.
Oops! No more entropy! :-(
5. Exponential Growth: The exponential rate of accumulation can be attributed to the resonance effect. In a resonant circuit, energy can build up over time if there is minimal loss. The energy oscillates between the magnetic field of the inductor and the electric field of the capacitors. If the system is driven at its resonant frequency, the energy can increase exponentially due to constructive interference.
The Aether cannot be found within the physical plane of materiality. Only its effects can be inferred, but never proven.
Likewise, we cannot see the life force which animates living creatures. But we have no trouble, at all, inferring the possibility for its existence since we cannot account for the death of a creature, nor can we revive that dead creature without the help of a strong electrostatic charge delivered by paramedics at the scene of a recent human fatality.
The life force encompasses more than merely the life-breath of living creatures. It also encompasses electricity which can kill us if we receive too much current. But voltage can never harm us if there is no current, in evidence, to speak of.
Voltage is the foundation for the therapeutic regeneration of human tissue (and mammalian tissue, and reptilian tissue) discovered and researched, thoroughly, by Dr. Robert Otto Becker, MD, and documented in his book, called “The Body Electric”, which is still for sale on Amazon if you want to read it.5
Can you explain exponential rates of accumulation under nonlinear dynamics? This is an excerpt from my book documenting a dialogue between myself asking questions and artificial intelligence answering them. You can buy this book on Amazon, at: The non-Linear Dynamics of Imaginary Power has no Entropy.: Unlimited Energy is the Result!