What is free energy?
I already knew this, but I needed confirmation and got it from artificial intelligence.
What I have learned from artificial intelligence, recently, and which I have posted on Substack and Patreon, is that when capacitance is low enough, the dielectric material (which is sandwiched in between the two conductive plates of a capacitor), stops acting like a dielectric material. Instead, it takes on the characteristic behavior of a prismatic material.
The consequence is that waves of electricity are split into waves of current refracting through the prismatic material and voltage bounces off of it and both going in opposite directions at the same time because there's no time delay.
What used to be the dielectric material (which requires a time delay in order to absorb and discharge), the refractive material which it turns into suffers no time delay.
This creates synchronicity between the two phases of current and voltage headed in opposite directions.
A coil of wire, which is adjacent to such a capacitor, will not be receiving a continuous flow of current and will thus not reach saturation nor be capable of reaching saturation under these conditions.
Such a coil of wire will not only not receive a continuous flow of displacement current coming from the capacitor, but it won't receive any current at all because a current phase of electricity is not the same thing as a current of electricity because a phase of current is only one half of electricity while electric current includes electric voltage. So, we're not sending electricity to a coil of wire under these conditions anymore. We are sending current and we are sending voltage but they're so out of phase from each other it's as if we are sending each separately rather than both combined together as electricity.
Under these conditions, we are not sending electricity to the coil. Instead, we're sending the forces which make up the ingredients of electricity as two separate entities. Thus, the coil cannot interpret this as electricity and thus it refuses to become saturated.
So, not only have we turned the capacitor and its adjacent coil into a generator by passive sign convention definition of what constitutes a generator (bypassing the law of inductance attributed to Michael Faraday), we have also made this process capable of escalation at an exponential rate due to the constructive interference of these phases of current and voltage superimposing on top of each other doubling their amplitude with each half-cycle of oscillation.
Although these two halves of electricity are not considered electricity anymore, they are considered to be imaginary and not existential nor measurable, they can be passed through a resistor to boil water because resistance puts these two disparate phases back together again.
Doing this, we avoid the necessity of burning coal or gasoline or harboring nuclear material because all we ever use those materials for is to boil water to rotate a steam turbine shackled to the axle of a rotary electric generator.
We have also bypassed thermodynamics and have engaged nonlinear dynamics, instead.
Thermodynamics served us well when all we did was burn fossil fuels and degrade nuclear material. But thermodynamics does nothing to help us understand free energy beyond the limited scope of Gibbs and Helmholtz. All thermodynamics does is stand in our way (providing for our ignorance) and nothing else on this topic of unbridled power resulting from electrical explosions.
Although this is the basic premise, they're different ways of implementing it by using so-called tricks.
One way to trick the capacitor into thinking that it is a low-level capacitance, when it is not, is to do something called parametric excitation in which the capacitance alternates between a high capacitance and a medium capacitance very suddenly without any transformation going on between the two. It's just suddenly one minute it's high and the next moment it's low; no transition; no glide; no gradualness to the change; but a sudden and abrupt change back and forth between the two states.
This causes the high value of capacitance to become the reference for that capacitor and the medium capacitance to be the extremely low capacitance. Because, the capacitor wants to function as a capacitor. It does not want to function as a prism. So, it takes the high value of capacitance as its reference because it feels more comfortable there. It does not feel comfortable at anything less than a very high level of capacitance.
This trick, into tricking the capacitor to think that it is at a very low level of capacitance when it is merely at the medium level of capacitance, only works during the transition between the high capacitance and the medium level of capacitance. So, you have to alternate back and forth and make your gain every time you reduce from the high to the medium.
So, going back to the high from the medium is like resetting the switch.
So, you only get one chance out of the two chances to get any results, because half the time, you're getting the results, but the other half the time, you're just setting it up to get the results during the next half cycle.
The link, above, is a shortcut to the link, below…
Lightly tap and release the switch, that stands all by itself, to close it and let it pop back open again, to change the parameters of the capacitor.
Just because the link, up above, is not buildable (or at least I don't think it is), does not mean that it is not useful to illustrate the point. It is not buildable because it does not have any resistance in between the components and the transformer is ideal (lossless).
First posted to Facebook1 and copied to here.